Teacher Education

Empowering Jewish Educators

Herzog College draws on the pedagogy experience of top educators in Israel to create inspiring professional development courses for Judaic Studies teachers and schools around the world. We recognize that the future of our Jewish communities depends on our ability to engage and inspire the next generation with the contemporary relevance of Jewish education. We are here to support Jewish educators and schools in their important work.

Online Teacher Education Programs

Master's Degree in Tanakh Teaching

M.A. in Tanakh Teaching

This two-year Masters’ program includes 14 hybrid and asynchronous courses in English with the option to take classes in Hebrew. Course study will focus on Tanakh, Education, Pedagogy, and touring Israel with the Tanakh.

Rimonim Teacher Training

Herzog Global’s Rimonim Teacher Training Program for Judaic Studies teachers comprises a course of online study, classroom mentoring, and an experiential summer seminar in Israel. The next English program will commence May 2025 – June 2026.

Jewish teacher education

Tanakh Teaching Program

Our exciting Masters-level program of academic courses equips Judaic Studies teachers with advanced knowledge and practical skills. Program participants who earn 15 TTCP credits receive a Tanakh Teaching Certificate from Herzog College.

Teacher Education in Israel

Bachelors of Education Programs

Herzog College in Israel offers B.Ed. degree programs in the Sciences: Computer Science, Mathematics, Geography, Biology & Chemistry; in Jewish Studies: Tanakh, Oral Law, Jewish Philosophy, Hebrew Language, Land of Israel Studies, Hebrew Literature, Jewish History; and in the Humanities: Civics, Special Education, English, Media and Communications Studies.

English Teaching Qualification

Native English speakers can become fully certified English teachers through Herzog’s B.Ed. English Education degree program and Teaching Certificate courses. This will qualify you to teach English as a foreign language to pupils of all ages in all types of schools throughout Israel. All classes are taught in English, with extra support for students to learn Hebrew.

Jewish teacher education

Overseas Teacher Practicum

This program is currently in development 

Testimonials from Our Students

“I've really enjoyed being part of Herzog Global's Tanach Teacher Training Certificate program. I love the high level of the learning which we are challenged to adapt to our student population. This emphasis on classroom implementation is really helpful as a teacher, so that we can use what we've learned in the classroom setting. It's also been fun meeting educators from around the world and sharing teaching experiences. My only regret is that I don't have time to take all the courses being offered!“

Testimonial Item

Ariel Pardo

Middle School Tanach Teacher, Katz Hillel Day School, Boca Raton, FL

As an educator, the material that we learn strikes a balance between theory and practical applications to bring into all of my kodesh lessons. As a school manager, the course has given me tools to help my staff to improve their classes. Having the privilege to be guided and supported by Herzog Global’s education experts is a gift for which I am extremely grateful.

Testimonial Item



Rimonim has given me tools and knowledge to reach my dream goal: to become a Jewish Studies teacher anywhere in the world. Its faculty is knowledgeable, approachable and fun! They gave me all the support I needed and made me feel appreciated. Taking the Rimonim program was one of the best decisions I have made in my life, BH!

Testimonial Item

Isabel Job


“Thank you again for the most amazing Rimonim semester trip around Israel. Besides just being an incredible trip in of itself, I have already used so much of what we learned in my teaching. I was teaching about Shlomo HaMelech's coronation at Gichon. It was only then, showing pictures to my class (which I wouldn't have if I didn't go on the trip), when I realized what a difference actually being to the place makes. Thank you so much for the opportunity!” Rabbi Yoseph Wernick, Rimonim Graduate, 2021-22

Testimonial Item

Rabbi Yossi Wernick

Menachem Mendel Academy, Phoenix AZ

I appreciate the teaching strategies that I have learned and the course content, which I use not only in the classroom but also to enrich my professionalism and to train others in these subjects. They not only help me with class topics, but they also enhance my identity. I appreciate the knowledge gained that will help me to support my students.

Testimonial Item

Miriam Guindi

Teacher at the Magen David School in Mexico and Rimonim 2021 graduate.
Amihai Bannett

“Herzog College’s vision is to empower teachers to bring Jewish texts to life in their classrooms, by highlighting relevant messages and using the latest technology.”

Amihai Bannett

CEO of Herzog Global