Up your teaching game with online courses for Tanakh teachers!
Whether you teach in junior, middle or high school, Kodesh teachers face numerous challenges in the classroom. At Herzog College we understand these challenges, so we have created a number of helpful courses to suit teachers of Chumash and Navi.
Full Courses are comprised of 12 lessons of which 10 are asynchronous (online materials for self-study with questions and discussions) plus a weekly assignment for you to complete (but no tests). Each course also includes two Zoom workshops that take place on Sundays at 8:00pm Israel time. They require a commitment of just 1.5 hours of study per week and the total fee for each full course is 590 NIS (including a 100 NIS registration fee payable once).
Our Mini Courses involve 6 asynchronous lessons for self-study, plus a weekly assignment for you to complete.
Sign up today for these Fall Courses (commencing November 3, 2024) or for the asynchronous course “Bringing Eretz Yisrael Into Your Classroom” (to learn in your own time). If you have any questions, please send them to herzogolami@herzog.ac.il
Click on the course icons above to add each course to your cart
We also have a new Master’s Degree program, commencing in Fall 2024. Click here for details!
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