Darkei Avot

Darkei Avot

Darkei Avot – Engaging Resources for Learning Pirkei Avot How can we enrich our classroom experience with moral and ethical principles and valuable tips for life, all through fun and active learning? We offer you “Darkei Avot,” a new Pirkei Avot teaching resource,...
Crisis in Israel: Resources for Teachers

Crisis in Israel: Resources for Teachers

Helpful Shiurim for Teachers The people of Israel are facing difficult times. Many Jewish students in classrooms around the world are struggling to understand what is happening. Herzog Global’s top lecturers are giving live webinars to assist teachers in...
Master’s Degree in Teaching Tanakh

Master’s Degree in Teaching Tanakh

  M.A. in Teaching Tanakh & Parshanut  Department Head: Professor Eli HadadProgram Director: Rabbi Reuven SpolterAdmissions Director: Hadassah Levy  For over 30 years, Teaching Tanakh has been the flagship educational degree program at Herzog College, training...
Online Courses for Tanakh Teachers

Online Courses for Tanakh Teachers

Up your teaching game with online courses for Tanakh teachers!   Whether you teach in junior, middle or high school, Kodesh teachers face numerous challenges in the classroom. At Herzog College we understand these challenges, so we have created a number of...