Intrinsic Motivation in the Kodesh Classroom

This course will help teachers to develop skills and methodology for motivating students in Judaic Studies classrooms

About the Course

This course will expand a teacher's understanding of Intrinsic Motivation, alternative assessments, and implementation of both in a Kodesh classroom. Teachers will learn modalities of Intrinsic Motivation as they relate to instructional design strategies and the science behind them.

Specifically for a Kodesh classroom, teachers will learn to plan lessons and units with the goal of the students engaging in Jewish thought and practice even in the teacher’s absence. Teachers will learn how to design, administer, and evaluate alternative assessments as a normative part of the Kodesh classroom environment in order to shift away from the traditional classroom’s reliance on Extrinsic Motivation.

This course can be taken as part of the Herzog College Master's Degree in Teaching Tanakh & Parshanut. Click here for details.


About the Instructor

Rabbi Shmuel Feld served for 25 years in Jewish education as a teacher, instructional leader, and principal. Shmuel helps day schools as the founding director of the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge. Shmuel has an M.Ed. from Harvard Graduate School of Education and brings his many professional experiences outside of schools to inform his work, including running field training for the US Public Health Service, an arm of the US Navy.

Course features

Audience : Middle & High School J.S. Teachers
Course Structure : 12 asynchronous lessons
Language : English
Accreditation : 3 TTCP credits
Course fee : 490 NIS + 100 NIS Registration Fee
Start Date: Sun, November 3, 2024

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