Bringing Eretz Yisrael into your Classroom

Bringing Eretz Yisrael into your Classroom
Bringing Eretz Yisrael into your Classroom

About the Course

Many of the events and topics described in the Tanach, the Talmud, and other Jewish sources can be best understood when placed into their context in Eretz Yisrael. In this six-unit self-guided online mini course, we will explore different ways to incorporate maps, videos, and photos from Eretz Yisrael, as well as introducing knowledge of topography, roads, and archeology into your classroom, empowering students to explore the insights these tools can yield. 

The topics covered will include Torat HaAretz, Emek Yizrael, Biblical Be’er Sheva, Gidon & Shaul, and Archeology as a Tool for Parshanut. Each unit will: 

  • Introduce one or more texts with puzzling questions, the answers to which depend on the geography or topography of Eretz Yisrael. 
  • Demonstrate how this knowledge can help students to answer those questions, and 
  • Introduce various maps, photos, and internet resources that can help our students, and demonstrate ways of using them in the classroom.

Click here to download the Course Outline PDF


About the Instructor

Rabbi Alan Haber has been involved in Torah education for over thirty years. A graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University, he taught high school girls at Bat Torah Academy in Suffern, NY and was Assistant Regional Director of New Jersey NCSY. After making Aliyah, he was one of the founders of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY), serving as Director for 16 years, and he currently serves on the faculty of Midreshet Torah V'Avoda (MTVA). Rabbi Haber is also a licensed tour guide, leading educational tours all over Israel for groups and families, and he recently launched “Am Levadad”: a series of videos explaining his unique philosophy. These and other shiurim and publications by Rabbi Haber can be seen on his website and YouTube channel @rabbihaber.

Course features

Audience : Middle and High School Limmudei Kodesh Teachers
Course Structure : 6 Self-Guided Lessons
Language : English
Accreditation : 1.5 TTCP credits
Course fee : $40
Start Date: Sun, February 25, 2024