Using Midrash in the Classroom
Enrich your lessons and stimulate active student discussion of Midrashic sources.
Exploring ways to incorporate Midrashic sources into our teaching, to enrich our lessons with the thought of Chazal while stimulating our students to engage in active participation.
About the webinar
Our students are exposed to Midrash from a very young age, and it continues to appear in our classrooms throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, and beyond. In this webinar, we’ll discuss ways to incorporate Midrashic sources in our teaching, in order to enrich our lessons with the thought of Chazal, while stimulating our students to engage in active participation.
About the Instructor
Simi Peters, author of Learning to Read Midrash, is an internationally acclaimed Jewish educator and speaker. She has a MA degree in Linguistics from the Graduate Center of CUNY, and is a graduate of the prestigious Jerusalem Fellows program. With unique expertise in Tanach, Biblical exegesis, and Midrash, she specializes in providing access to a wide variety of classic Jewish texts for audiences at all levels of Jewish literacy and experience. Her interactive style is warm, inclusive and intellectually engaging. She lives with her family in Jerusalem.
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WEBINAR features
Audience : Middle & High School J.S. Teachers
Webinar Structure : Live Webinar - 1/1.5 hours
Language : English
Webinar fee : $150 per school