Using Graphic Organizers to Teach Torah

Learn how to create graphic organizers for use in Chumash, Navi and Mishnah teaching.
Graphic organizers are terrific tools to help students understand core concepts and texts. Learn how to create graphic organizers for use in Chumash, Navi and Mishnah teaching.

About the webinar

Torah Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are terrific tools to help students understand core concepts and texts. Together we will explore organizers used in classrooms around the world, learn the theory behind them, and adapt them for use in Chumash, Navi and Mishnah teaching. We’ll also look at popular online tools for creating graphic organizers easily. These simple techniques will become a helpful element in your teaching toolkit.  

About the Instructor

Ellie Bach Gellman has been an educator for more than 40 years. Originally from Minnesota, she worked in Jewish education and Special Education in several cities in the US and Canada before making Aliyah 25 years ago. She now lives in Jerusalem, where she taught in her neighborhood school and worked as the school librarian. Ellie continues to develop curriculum projects for Jewish schools in Israel and the diaspora. She is the author of 7 Jewish childrens’ books and the 1996 recipient of the Covenant Award for Jewish Education.

WEBINAR features

Audience : Elementary & Middle School J.S. Teachers
Webinar Structure : Live Webinar - 1/1.5 hours
Language : English
Webinar fee : $150 per school
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