Pedagogy Materials for Schools

Pedagogy Materials for Schools

Innovative Curriculum Materials for Judaic Studies teachers Herzog Global works with Jewish schools of all types around the world to empower their teachers and help them meet their pedagogical needs and challenges. Our goal is to add an extra dimension to the Judaic...
MiDor L’Dor Parshah Email Package

MiDor L’Dor Parshah Email Package

During the COVID pandemic, Herzog College created the MiDor L’Dor Parshat HaShavua Grandparents Chat program to encourage adults to learn together with their children or grandchildren. We discovered that teachers and community rabbis were also using our parsha sheets... – the “Google” of the Bible – the “Google” of the Bible is “the Google of the Bible” where biblical texts come alive with coded maps and multi-media tools for hands-on interactive study and exploration. Herzog College has developed this online platform for Tanakh learning, in Hebrew, Spanish and English, and...