Teaching Toward Meaning: Gearing your Limudei Kodesh Lessons toward your Students’ Spiritual & Psychological Needs

Interactive Webinar about gearing your Limudei Kodesh Lessons toward your Students’ Spiritual and Psychological Needs
What are the pillars of emotional health, spirituality, and meaning? How can we incorporate these elements into our Limudei Kodesh classes in a practical way that integrates fully with our educational goals?

About the webinar

One of the biggest challenges facing educators today is how to educate toward spirituality, meaning and purpose in the Judaic Studies classroom. Many psycho-social factors in our current climate counteract our students’ ability to thrive and to create strong, self-actualized identities based on Torah values. In this seminar we will discuss these factors, and focus on how we can support and enhance our students’ emotional and spiritual growth within the context of a serious educational experience. What does research indicate are the pillars of emotional health, spirituality, and meaning? How can we incorporate these elements into our Limudei Kodesh classes in a practical way that integrates fully with our educational goals?

Spirituality & Psychology

About the Instructor

Mali Brofsky has held numerous academic and administrative positions at educational institutions in Jerusalem, most recently as senior faculty member, director of the Shana Bet program, and in-house social worker at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim. She has served as a field advisor for Yeshiva University's Wurzweiler School of Social Work's MSW program in Israel, and runs a clinical practice in Gush Etzion. Mali holds a Masters in Jewish Philosophy from Bernard Revel Graduate School and an MSW from Wurzweiler. She has published and lectured extensively on Jewish thought and education, on issues of emotional health, and on the interaction between the two fields.

WEBINAR features

Audience : Judaic Studies Teachers
Webinar Structure : Live Webinar - 1/1.5 Hours
Language : English
Webinar fee : $150 per school
Schedule this Webinar
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