Kitah Sefer Bamidbar Course 2

Chumash Bamidbar Chapters 12-20
This Khan Academy-style course will familiarize students with Bamidbar Chapters 12-20, using instructional videos to explain the Hebrew texts and customizable Google Form questionnaires to monitor student comprehension.

About the Course

This course covers:

  • The punishment of the rabble-rousers
  • Miriam’s lashon hara and punishment
  • The meraglim, their sin and the punishment of the Jewish peole
  • The mitzvah of tzitzit
  • Korach’s uprising and punishment
  • The well of Miriam and her death
  • Moshe hits the rock

The student will learn the following during this text-based course:

  • How to read and translate the text of the Torah
  • How to divide up pesukim in order to better understand the chumash
  • How to recognize and decode verbs in the chumash and identify shorashim (roots)
  • Understanding selected comments of Rashi, Midrash and selected mefarshim
  • How to identify key words (milah manchah) that repeat in the text and understand their importance
The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge: 
  • What caused the nation to believe the spies’ wicked report?
  • What are the forces that lead to challenging of leadership?
  • Lashon hara: About Moshe, about the Land of Israel: Why do we do it, and what’s so terrible about it?
  • Why did Hashem prevent Moshe from entering Eretz Yisrael?

Sample Lesson: To view a sample lesson click here

COURSE features

Course Structure : 20 units
Audience : Middle School Grades 5 – 8
Course fee : $500