Webinar for Schools
Showing 1–9 of 13 results
Getting Perspective: Helping Students See the Biblical Big Picture
$150.00 -
Building Emotional Health in the Limudei Kodesh Classroom
$150.00 -
Teaching Toward Meaning: Gearing your Limudei Kodesh Lessons toward your Students’ Spiritual & Psychological Needs
$150.00 -
Digital Tools in the Judaic Studies Classroom
$150.00 -
Techniques for Teaching Gemara and Halachah
$150.00 -
Torat Eretz Yisrael: Teaching with Insights Gained on Location in Israel
$150.00 -
Visual Learning and Visual Teaching in the Chumash Classroom
$150.00 -
Using Midrash in the Classroom
$75.00 -
Using Graphic Organizers to Teach Torah