Tanakh Teaching Certificate Program

Our exciting Masters-level program of academic courses is now in its third year. It equips teachers with advanced knowledge and practical skills that focus on Teaching Tanakh in the Diaspora classroom. Program participants who earn 15 TTCP credits can receive a Tanakh Teaching Certificate from Herzog College.

Academic Courses

Students can choose from a menu of asynchronous online courses comprising materials for self-study with questions and discussions, plus a weekly assignment for you to complete, but no tests.

The price for each full course is 590 NIS (including a 100 NIS initial registration fee).

Full Courses

Each full course requires 1.5 hours of study per week over 12 weeks and earns 3 TTCP credits. Each course requires attendance at two Zoom lessons, scheduled for Sundays at 8:00pm Israel time.

Mini Courses

Each mini course runs for 6 weeks and earns 1.5 TTCP credits. There are no Zoom lessons.

Click on each course image for further details and to register to join. If you have any questions, we invite you to send them to herzogolami@herzog.ac.il 

Tanakh Teaching Certificate

Gavriella Steinman from Sydney, Australia, was one of the first five teachers to receive her Tanakh Teaching Certificate in July 2023, from Herzog College President Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes.

Spring 2025 Courses

Commencing March 6, 2025

Click on the course icons below to find out more about each course and to register

Shmuel Feld Motivation Course
Rabbi Dr. Ari Silbermann 5 Megillot Course
David Saltzman course
Rabbi Alan Haber

Past Courses

Shmuel Feld Motivation Course
Yael Ziegler King David Course
David Saltzman course
Daniel Wolf on Herzog Tanakh
Purposeful Pedagogy
Yosefa Wruble Shofetim
Yael Ziegler on Shemot
Rav Solomon on Rav Sacks
David Saltzman course
Yosefa Wruble Our Story
Yosefa Wruble Shofetim